In the fast paced world that we live in and in a culture that is changing by the second; there is still one thing that has remained unchanged - People Love to Eat! People gather together around food for all kinds of reasons. They gather to celebrate birthdays and holidays and special events. They gather during times of great joy and times of great sorrow. It's true - food does bring people together.
Informational Meeting - February 12 @ 11:45 AM
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner is a new ministry at Richwood Church of Christ centered around PEOPLE and FOOD! It is our belief that small groups of people gathering together is the foundation for healthy, growing churches. Our church is no different. We believe that when people gather together they are encouraged, equipped and empowered. We believe that social interactions play a big part of being a healthy faith community. Our lives are rich with experiences and stories to be told. That is why we want you to be a part of this NEW MINISTRY.
Young and old are invited to join in the sharing of a meal and an evening of
conversation and hopefully some spontaneous fun.
Here's what it's about...
Let’s face it, most of us go to the same service every weekend and sit in the same pew surrounded by the same people and yet, other than extending a welcome and an occasional handshake, we do not know their name or anything about them. Well this ministry can change that!
The Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Ministry is a random group of 8 to 10 people.
These people are known as GUESTS.
GUESTS will eat together at a HOST FAMILY’S HOME on the second Friday or Saturday of each designated month. The only information they are given is the address, phone number and what to bring for dinner (i.e. appetizer, salad, vegetable or dessert.)
Nothing - not a conversation, not a handshake or even a hug - establishes friendship and family so forcefully as eating together. - Jonathan Foer
The HOST for the evening would be responsible for the main course, beverages and the “theme” of the evening. They too do not know who will be at their home, only the number of guests and what they will bring (i.e. appetizer, salad, vegetable or dessert. Once a HOST is established and the number of guests is determined for a host family then the guests are assigned and what they are to bring. The GUESTS are assigned through a system of keeping each GWCTD random and fun.
The HOST will determine the “theme” of the evening. Each theme is usually based on the time of year, hobbies and interest of the host family, special holiday of the month, or just some random fun event/theme that is interesting to the host family.
Dinner is better when we eat together
The GUESTS usually start to arrive at 6:00 pm on a Saturday and dinner is usually served around 7:00 pm, and the evening and goes until??? The dinners themselves do not need to be fancy. No one should feel that they must have fine china and crystal. Dinner can be anything from chicken, pasta, burgers, pizza, soup, chili, or tacos!
The ministry is opened to anyone that attends RCC or friends of those who attend RCC that might be interested in becoming part of the church. GUESTS may be single adults, married, divorced, widowed and yes, our ministry staff and elders. We will try to ensure that everyone gets to meet new people at each dinner and build a friendship in faith and community.
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