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- What We Believe
- What We Believe
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- What We Believe
- What We Believe
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- What We Believe
- What We Believe
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- What We Believe
Missions we support
Here is a list of the missions we support at RCC as well as a little info about each.
Click on each ministries logo to visit each ministries website.
New Path Pregnancy Resource Centers
RCC has supported this life promoting ministry for many years. New Path has offices in Richwood, Marysville and Bellefontaine. New Path Pregnancy Resource Center has a dedicated team of volunteers and staff who are committed to sharing God’s love, accurate information, and support to young women and men regarding decisions about
pregnancy, sexual integrity, parenting, and post-abortion recovery. These services are all provided at no charge.
Since 1992, they have served thousands of women and their families find the help they needed. The center is affiliated with and meets the required standards of the national recognized organization, Care Net.
New Path is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political organization dedicated to helping women and their families find solutions to unplanned pregnancies. New Path does not perform nor refer for abortion or abortifactients, but offers life-affirming alternatives and information about risks and procedures.Round Lake Christian Camp
Founded in 1949, Round Lake is owned by and accountable to member Christian Churches and Churches of Christ in the North Central Ohio area. It is through their generosity Round Lake is able to provide summer camps, year-round retreats and rentals for private retreats. Round Lake, located between Loudonville and Wooster, has been the summer camp for many RCC elementary, middle school and high school students for the past 20 years. The ministry of Round Lake Christian Camp has set the stage for the baptism of many RCC young people – starting them on their Christ-following journey.
Lifeline Christian Mission
RCC has supported the great work of Lifeline Christian Mission
for many years. Based in Westerville, OH, Lifeline has developed mission sites all over the Western Hemisphere. For the past 15+ years, RCC has sent short-term mission teams to Honduras to support Lifeline’s work there. Lifeline’s initiatives center around 4 causes:
1. Multiplying the local church.
2. Empowering tomorrow’s leaders by working with the youth of today.
3. Helping communities live life to the fullest by providing health and nutrition services
4. Elevate people to experience their God-given potential through economic empowerment.
Lifeline is committed to impacting people with the Gospel summarized in the following statement from their website – “You may be passionate about planting churches, advocating for children, or ensuring access to health care. Wherever your passion lies, you’ll walk alongside our field leaders and global communities where God is moving. When you connect with Lifeline, you connect with established and growing ministries around the world who are sharing God’s love and truth in their communities!”Without Reservation Ministries
“We don’t want to tell you who to be; we want you to hear who God wants you to be. Inspire, Encourage, Empower, Equip” - This is the mission of Without Reservation Ministries, located in Show Low, Arizona. Founded and operated in 2014 by Matt and Karen McLean, who have been missionaries to the People of the White Mountains since 2010. Without Reservation Ministries believes that their ministry is a ministry of reconciliation. Without Reservation Ministries works alongside the people of the White Mountains to bring hope and second chances to the lost and hurting and those that are in need of Jesus Christ. They exist to disciple Native Americans to live a life fully devoted to following Jesus Christ. They believe this is done best through doing ‘life’ together with those around them.
Without Reservation Ministries is a part of the White Mountain Apache Church, which is a local church in White River on the reservation that is supported by several missionaries and families. WMACC is the main location of operation for WRM’s operation of ministry efforts on the reservation. This is where WRM’s mission teams have the opportunity to worship with brothers and sisters in Christ on the White Mountain Reservation. RCC has been sending short-term mission teams to Arizona since 2012 to work with Matt and Karen McLean and Without Reservation Ministries.
His Hands Construction
We've been going to Honduras since 2006 on mission trips, we have always wanted to do more for their community, but nothing has "felt" right. A couple years ago, we had a young man want to come to USA to train, learn about construction while working for our USA business. We eventually thought that might be a good idea so we started with the process of bringing him to the states for training. During this process we felt God's presence telling us that if we went to Honduras, we would be able to help a lot more people. As a result of God's leading, we started asking questions and researching the possibility of starting a business in Honduras.Thusly His Hands Construction Inc. was founded. The plan is to do projects while furnishing employment and training all while glorifying God!
Click the Logo to visit His Hands website.
Christian Children's Home of Ohio
The mission of Christian Children’s Home of Ohio is to be a safe and stable environment where abused, neglected and traumatized children find healing, discover hope and experience unconditional love. CCHO, founded in 1969, is based in Wooster, OH where they have a large campus. In addition, CCHO has satellite sites providing counseling and foster care services throughout northeast Ohio. CCHP has been partnering the longest of any
current mission organization RCC supports.
Their logo includes a heart – the purpose behind this is explained –
“The heart in our logo represents the radical transformation that only God can initiate. It reminds us that while we strive to do our jobs well each and every day, there is only One who can renew hearts and restore lives. As verse 20 [of Ezekiel chapter 11] says, “They shall be my people, and I will be their God.” Without Him, we are lost but with Him, we all have hope.”REAP
RCC has supported this vital local ministry form many years. REAP provides food to local residents who are in need. This organization is locally governed and relies on the support of area churches as well as community and school groups. It is located in the Richwood Green apartment complex on the west side of Richwood and is open on Fridays and by appointment.
Lifewise Academy
We are currently serving 2nd through 5th grade North Union students. Each student attends LifeWise classes once a week to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ! This ministry is also available for North Union District home school students. If you would like more information, be a volunteer, donate or register your child, please click HERE.
Richwood Church of Christ © 2016
29063 Sivey Road, Richwood, OH 43344
Current Service Times: 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm